Friday, February 19, 2010


Well; most you youngn' may think that 360's just aren't cool; don't worry most of the snowboard industry agrees with you. Don't believe me? Send a "sponsor me tape" to me and I will laugh at you if you only do threes on it; actually I may give you a PRIVATEER sticker and a pat on the back.

Anyways, here is a little tribute to the old 360 you may find super cool; or lame.

terrible tuesday: do a 360 from Pat Fenelon on Vimeo.


Shaun White.... THE ROBOT

So here is Shaun White's victory lap; its pretty sick. He has got crazy ninja/robot skill. I hear that at the next winter olympics they are going to crack down and start testing for robot in all the events so this could be his last olympic appearance.


Thursday, February 18, 2010

YOU GUYS ARE FAMOUS.... cause you're on TV

Hey check out the little story from the rail jam and the sweet shots you guys killing it! Way to go everyone! It was super fun!


Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Hey a MN snowshred group, well it's really a house, or some people, or something.....

anyways this is down at Trollhaugen by the looks of it. There are some heavy hitters and some gnarly tricks overall a feel good hit of the week.

monday minute 21 from riley erickson on Vimeo.


Saturday, February 6, 2010

Andrew Nagahashi

Hi everyone!

I am pleased to announce that Mr.Nagahashi is going to start helping you skiers check out this little edit of him it's awesome!


Thursday, February 4, 2010

Cool little vid

Beauville to Brighton from Pat Fenelon on Vimeo.

If you thought snowboarding could not get any crazier......

Transworld is running this ridiculous story about snowboarding in Antartica. Take a look for yourself. Antartica Peninsula Trip

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Awesome skate vid

I saw this for the first time a couple of years back (maybe less; time flies) it makes me really happy whenever I watch it so, enjoy!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010